Steelton, Pennsylvania, is a historically-rich and diverse small town located in Dauphin County. Established in 1866, it gained prominence during the industrial revolution due to its world-renowned, high-grade steel production. Its steel can be found in notable structures worldwide, like the USS Arizona ship sunk in Pearl Harbor and the Panama Canal locks. Covering an area of about 1.9 square miles, Steelton offers residents a comfortably dense urban atmosphere. Known for its community-driven spirit, the town hosts annual events like the Steelton Fest, attracting visitors with a blend of cultures, cuisines, and music. Despite its industrial roots, Steelton also harbors recreational areas like the Steelton Skate Park, offering a balance between its hardworking heritage and modern lifestyle amenities.
Bob Ruth Ford Dillsburg is Steelton's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 700 N U.S. 15, Dillsburg, PA 17019.